Pinoytutorial: Two of the most promising tablets revealed earlier this year that got vaporized are returning this Black Friday with an extraordinary cheap cost. More details on this report.
AH: HP TouchPad the infamous WebOS tablet by Hewlett-Packard, which was discontinued by the company for really low amount of sales after a while. Well, developers over at XDA have been very busy with the TouchPad lately bringing Android ports for the device. We saw a working Gingerbread port followed by an ICS port and now an Android 4.1 Jelly Bean port for the device is available."
Engadget - We all know things aren't exactly looking bright over at RIM's Waterloo HQ, but, thankfully, that's not keeping the company from taking care of its current and very valuable customer base. How so? Well, earlier today the BlackBerry maker announced its official Video Store application is now live in Canada's App World, giving the PlayBook crowd a hub to buy / rent "thousands" of movies and TV shows.
MobileSyrup - Here it is! The much talked about launch of RIM’s 4G LTE-enabled BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is upon us. This tablet was originally announced back at Mobile World Congress in 2011, but subsequently delayed.