
Canada introducing plastic $100 bills

The Canadian government is stepping up its security game with the introduction of polymer currency, starting with $100 bills.

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Speed-Racer4634d ago

I heard Australia had these, and they have a few more security features which make them more identifiable

TheBeast4634d ago (Edited 4634d ago )

I got my first 100 buck bill today from the bank. So seexxyy

The not was officially released into circulation by Governor Mark Carney at an event in Toronto,

not should be note xD

Speed-Racer4634d ago

Haha, seems the bank's own press release also had the mistake.

PS3n3604633d ago

plastic bills are a surfers best friend. When in Oz I got to take some bills with me into the water for a cold beer across from the beach after a session without them turning into mush. Just need a pocket on my wetsuit now for my Canadian surf sessions.

ThePundit4633d ago Show
Jasko454633d ago

I wish I was counterfeiter, this would be a challenge.

Winkle924633d ago (Edited 4633d ago )

That's the beauty of counterfeiting, it's never too late to start!

lol jk. It's too late.

ironfist924632d ago

We've had plastic since forever. Not sure why Canada is adopting this now. I honestly couldnt imagine fragile 'paper' as money.

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