
HIS Radeon HD 6870 IceQ Video Card Review (BmR)

BenchmarkReviews.com: The holiday season is fast approaching and there is still no official word on the next generation 28nm GPU's other than TSMC starting volume production. What does that mean? Well, it looks like we will be waiting until next year before any more new video cards from either camp are released. This stop gap between generations gives AIB partners a chance to tweak and perfect their designs and introduce some different models to keep the market active. Today Benchmark Reviews will be looking at the HIS Radeon HD6870 IceQ 1GB, a modern video card with a classic HIS design. As aftermarket designs go, this looks like a real beast of a card but there is no factory overclock on this model. The cooler is a mixture of the HIS IceQ X fin array and a shroud that looks similar to a reference card shroud with a twist. HIS have dubbed the radial fan a 'Black Hole Impeller' because it is able to draw in air from both sides as it is raised slightly from the PCB. The main question is what difference will this make to operating temperatures and overclocking potential; and that is exactly what we intend to find out.

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PC & Gaming Component Prices To Rise By 15-30% As US Tariffs Soar

PC component prices are set to rise courtesy of the new US tariffs that may come into effect from September 6th. Expect hardware costs to rise by 15 to 30%.

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Cobra9512150d ago

I've long said that I'd be willing to pay 3 times as much for a stereo (yeah, that's how long) if it keeps the good jobs from bleeding out of the US. Well, we've practically bled out since, at least in production and manufacturing. I don't know that the pain from these tariffs will lead to a welcome reversal of fortune, but I don't mind the effort--not yet, anyway. I have no trust that the government as a whole will follow through.

The theory is quite simple: if a chair costs $50 to make here, that's what it will cost to make elsewhere and import here. Companies can either ignore the US market, or deal with the imposed level playing field. Someone will pick up the slack if others decide they don't want to play by those rules. The reality is filled with complications and corruptions, and the effort may be for naught. Time will tell.

bow2yoda2150d ago

none of this stuff or anything similar is made in the us. this is a price hike because they can... and we cannot do anything about it. unless u want to turn the us to a toxic wasteland from pcb production


Report: AMD to launch a new RX 500 Video Card series next week

According to the recent reports, AMD is expected to launch a new RX 500 Video Card series next week on April 18.

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Nvidia's Fastest Graphics Card Yet, GeForce GTX 1080Ti Launched

After much speculation, Nvidia has finally announced the GeForce GTX 1080Ti video card at the Game Developers Conference 2017 (GDC 2017).