Engadget - j5create has updated its range of foolproof cross-device sharing accessories (prior model shown above) that bridge the gap between Mac, PC and even Android tablets through USB. The Wormhole Keyboard/MouseSwitch JUC 200 ($30) does what it says it will, sharing peripherals between devices, with the extra ability of drag-and-drop file transfer between PCs and Android devices. Meanwhile, the JUC 400 model ($40) allows your PC and Mac to hold hands in the same way, as well as link your PC to iPads for file storage and transfer.
Engadget - There are already plenty of keyboard and mouse sharing solutions out there, but alas, most are not foolproof nor affordable enough for the average Joe. As such, we fell in love with j5 Create's Wormhole KM Switch and Wormhole Station at Computex.