
The republican gaming console powered by Lenovo

Its time for gamers in China to rejoice for they have got their country’s very own gaming console. Until now foreign game consoles weren’t legally available in China, though it isnt too hard for one those who were determined to get their hands on them. Game enthusiast no longer need to break the law to play high-end games as Lenonvo in collaboration with Beijing eedo Technology are hoping to penetrate the gaming market by creating the iSec gaming console.

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Murad-D124645d ago

loool, its a mixture of everything (Sony PS3(design),xbox kinect, Wii mote, and i from apple )

RocknRola4645d ago (Edited 4645d ago )

it does actually sound like a cocktail for the chineese

fr0sty4645d ago

that video made me lol. a ps2 with an eyetoy could do better.

Taz Yamauchi4645d ago

what kind of games does this peice of shit use, normal ps3 or xbox games or does it have it own library

RocknRola4645d ago

it rumoured to have its own line of games. The only games i have seen played on it are some cartoon games which use motion sensing technology.

Flavor4645d ago

These people are supposed to be running the world pretty soon. Scary, huh?

ThePundit4645d ago

Not if the Indians can help it,,

Redgehammer4645d ago (Edited 4645d ago )

Running, or over-crowding?

Blaine4645d ago

I spent 3 months working in Shanghai, and all I have to say is: if the Chinese take over the world, I'd rather die.

GrumpyVeteran4645d ago

rofl. How bad was it? Share your experience with us! :P

Blaine4645d ago

I can't... It would sound too racist!

RocknRola4644d ago

unhygenic food for starters

toaster4645d ago

Meanwhile, the PC gaming industry in China is booming...

People need to get their heads straight. Why market a super expensive console to a country where most people live off of $100 a month? I think this will flop big time.

Blaine4645d ago

Sure... And China also has the highest number of millionaires in the world. You're looking at the wrong end of the spectrum, bud.

Madusha4645d ago

The market for gaming in China is pretty big. Weather it will flop or not will depend on the power of the console and what it will be able to deliver. IMO they will have no problems with selling this.

BlackPrince 424645d ago

Can't wait to see the communist versions of Call of Duty.

I would laugh my ass of seeing a cutscene of Chinese troops parajumping into rebel Tibetan villages and watching the monks pull assault rifles out of their asses.

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