
What went wrong with Siri

Computerworld - Siri may be the most prominent feature on the iPhone 4S, but in truth it's only partly "on" your phone, as a network-related outage this past Thursday demonstrated. iPhone 4S users were cut off from their virtual assistant, their queries answered only by messages that Siri could not make a network connection.

The outage, first reported by VentureBeat, lasted the better part of the day, with service restored inconsistently throughout the early evening. When contacted, Apple did not offer comment.

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illmatic4648d ago

I am constantly having problems with Siri. When it works, it's good. Hopefully Apple irons out all the bugs soon

mcstorm4647d ago

This proves they rushed out to make it a selling point for the iphone 4s as they known the iphone is starting to fall behing the rest of the pack in terms of what it offers out of the box for its price.
It is a good idea but still not goodenough to be on the phones yet this is why apple have called it a beta. Ill take tellme over this at the moment.

kevnb4647d ago

Nothing, except maybe the marketing was way overboard for something we already had. Especially since its not that useful for most of us.

TheIneffableBob4647d ago

You can tell Apple rushed it out. Apple rarely ever releases things in beta. But they needed to for Siri to make it a selling point for the iPhone 4S. Without Siri, all the 4S would have would be an upgraded camera and faster processor.


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1nsomniac1760d ago

Fair play to them. On the ethical hacker side of things I would use the hack as leverage against Apple to continue to support their equipment. As they just dropped support for their iPad mini2’s etc. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with them, they work perfectly fine but are now blocked from receiving security updates etc. So the consumer is forced to purchase a new product that does the exact same thing.


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