Gizmodo:EEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRR NDguzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzdungahdungah dungahhhhhhh. That sound you hear isn't a 56k modem, it's the sound of my brain collapsing upon itself as I read AOL not only has 3.5 million dialup users, but added 200,000 since last year. How can this be?
Internet pioneers Yahoo and AOL are changing hands yet again as Verizon is selling its Verizon Media branch for about $5 billion
One of the lab's first projects is for Time Inc and Sports Illustrated.
Next week's November issue of ELLE will now feature AR.
Ha! Amazing to even fathom that idea in 2011. I'd be very interested to interview a couple of those people and find out just why.
This hurts my heart. I despised AIM. I dont even need to say these 3.5mil poor poor souls(lol) need to get with the times. The internet will leave you behind.