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Engadget - Motorola Atrix 2 review

Engadget - We've seen a lot of game-changing devices this year, haven't we? 2011 has already witnessed the first Honeycomb tablets, the influx of LTE and the introduction of a boatload of smartphones with dual-core processors. One of those groundbreaking devices was the Motorola Atrix 4G, which we called the best smartphone at CES 2011 because of its powerful Tegra 2 SoC and simply innovative Webtop operating system with an accompanying Lapdock. It was new, and it was powerful.

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Motorola Atrix 2 And Google Chrome Work Well Together

TheDroidGuy - "Something I entirely forgot to mention in my thoughts on the Atrix 2 Ice Cream Sandwich update was the fact that it also enabled the use of Chrome, as Robert, one of our readers, pointed out. I got to say, this is actually one of the most useful and helpful apps as far as browsers go. Firefox is really lacking in terms of stability, speed and even as far as tabs go."

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Bright Hub - Motorola Atrix 2 Reviewed

Bright Hub - The Atrix 2 is the sequel to the original Atrix, which was quite the game changer in the smartphone market. This reviews looks to see if the Atrix 2 is another giant leap in the market, or just another small step for successors.

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Engadget Preview: Motorola Atrix 2 hands-on at CTIA E&A 2011

Engadget - Motorola and AT&T are at it again with their Android shenanigans, this time following up the Atrix 4G with something a tad more... Atrix-y. Indeed, we're referring to the sequel of February's smash hit, honorably called the Motorola Atrix 2, announced at this week's CTIA Enterprise & Applications.

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