
Murdoch On Myspace: “I Made A Huge Mistake.”

Rupert Murdoch withstood intense grilling at News Corp’s annual shareholder meeting today, which focused largely on the phone-hacking scandal that is causing such an upset in the company’s financials and leadership. But among other things, Murdoch owned up to the debacle that has been Myspace.

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Internet Archive saves 490,000 songs that MySpace lost

Turns out your tunes from the 2000s might not be gone forever.


Myspace just lost all the files you uploaded between 2003 and 2015

As a result of a server migration project, photos, videos, and audio files you uploaded more than 3 years ago may no longer be available on or from Myspace.

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MySpace and Tumblr hit by 'mega breach'

More than 400 million hacked account IDs from Tumblr and MySpace are being offered for sale on the net.