
Siri’s default settings leave your iPhone 4S exposed

One of the most appealing features of the new iPhone 4S is the Siri functionality included in the device, which allows users to input lots of cool voice commands. Sadly, there's a downside to the Siri that might leave your iPhone 4S exposed.

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Rod4664d ago

There's a fix though, that's the important thing. :)

fatstarr4663d ago

smh it should have been locked from the get.

thephillup4664d ago

Interesting exploit. Sure there will be an update soon though.

Rod4664d ago

Hm, you would think so. I want to be able to use Siri to its full potential without worrying someone is going to hi-jack my phone.

Speed-Racer4664d ago (Edited 4663d ago )

OMG, this seems to be a siri-ous problem.

Good thing I have Android.

bangoskank4663d ago (Edited 4663d ago )

I guard my phone like it's my child. Nobody gets their hands on it besides me. Not worried about this in the least.

fatstarr4663d ago

do you sleep on trains or any form on public transportation?

ever heard of pick pockets?

anything can happen I hope you at least have a lock screen with security enabled

--Onilink--4663d ago

sure because pick-pockets are looking to use Siri to damage my social life instead of you know....stealing my phone...

bangoskank4663d ago

I'm a light sleeper. If anyone approaches me I open my eyes and frighten them off with my piercing death gaze.

I actually live in Tucson where we have no public transportation. When I did live in Manhattan and rode the subway I never, in all my years living there, had anything stolen from my person. This only happens to tourists.

I can't stand it when publishers utilize the media to provoke fear, especially when it's something as absurd as this. The 4S is a terrific little device. Go out and buy one now.

fatstarr4662d ago

@ onilink im sure it would be a bonus damaging your social life. free phone + humiliation. you wouldnt be surprised with what people get off on.

Speed-Racer4663d ago

Clearly you live in Teletubby world.

gamer78044663d ago

If someone you don't know has your iphone (or any other smartphone), you have bigger problems than having your appointments viewed or changed...

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1nsomniac1760d ago

Fair play to them. On the ethical hacker side of things I would use the hack as leverage against Apple to continue to support their equipment. As they just dropped support for their iPad mini2’s etc. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with them, they work perfectly fine but are now blocked from receiving security updates etc. So the consumer is forced to purchase a new product that does the exact same thing.


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