
How to connect your Xperia Play to PS3

Thanks to a slew of updates and additions since it was first released, the PlayStation 3 is no longer simply a games console but a fully fledged media centre. That is, it can be if you’re willing to overlook its many quirks and limitations.

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Sony patent suggests Xperia Play with dual keyboards, it's slidingly slidable

Engadget - Okay, so maybe physical keyboards were a bigger deal back in 2010 when this thing was filed, or maybe -- just maybe -- we'll one day see an Xperia Play smartphone with both a gamepad and a full QWERTY counterpart. A patent for such a contraption was just granted to Sony by the USPTO, which stakes its claim for a device with two sliding mechanisms in addition to the display.

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Reckless Racing 2 with real cars made possible by Sony

MobileBliss: Sony have teamed up with Pixelbite, a full-size RC maker, to re-create a game of Reckless Racing 2 with "real" cars.

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OnLive now fully supports the Xperia Play

Engadget - Earlier this month, the good folks at OnLive released apps for both iOS and Android, granting mobile access to its cloud gaming service. However, its implementation was incomplete -- there was no support for the Xperia Play's slide-out controls.

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THC CELL4825d ago

I have tried this out and its not really that bad.