
New Subconscious Mode Could Increase Smartphone Battery Life

Gadgehit writes: "Researchers at the University of Michigan have figured out a method of putting phones into a new sleep mode that could increase battery life by up to 54 percent. The “subconcious mode” concept as they call it, uses a new method called E-MiLi, which stands for Energy-Minimizing Idle Listening."

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gaffyh4694d ago

I honestly thought that this was pretty much what happened anyway, little did I know, smartphone makers are idiots and don't think things through.

Sahil4694d ago

Kinda like the idea, to be honest.

Kennytaur4693d ago

This is very clever, so hopefully it will make it into future devices as it would help fix the main problem smartphones have... short batterylife.

Towers4693d ago (Edited 4693d ago )

Google, shove it in your android OS asap!


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