
China Consolidates Grip on Rare Earths

In the name of fighting pollution, China has sent the price of compact fluorescent light bulbs soaring in the United States.

By closing or nationalizing dozens of the producers of rare earth metals — which are used in energy-efficient bulbs and many other green-energy products — China is temporarily shutting down most of the industry and crimping the global supply of the vital resources.

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gaffyh4696d ago

Lesson to be learned, don't piss off China.

Sahil4696d ago

There are a lot of things to say about the light bulb standards, but handing China a monopoly on materials needed for a vital product was, well, stupid.

ProGrasTiNation4695d ago

They handed them nothing,the U.S tech industry is build & run buy china.
Its obvious that the U.S fell behind on bills,so now their paying for it in a different way.

Shackdaddy8364695d ago

China - the assholes of the world

xX_Altair_Xx4695d ago (Edited 4695d ago )

How so? They are only throwing their weight about much like the West has been doing for the past two centuries. We have to now accept that there is a new player in town.

Shackdaddy8364695d ago (Edited 4695d ago )

You don't think so?

1. They still have control over Tibet and treat their people like crap.
2. They don't allow other views in their country. Just look at what they did this past Easter.
3. It's been proven that their military hack random accounts on the internet for profit.
4. The amount of pollution they give off from their industry is more than all other countries combined
5. They supported Gadhafi before they started to lose. Then they refused any affiliation with them
6. They try to take advantage of American tech and copy it. One example of this is that they bought the downed U.S. heli from Pakistan when it crashed during the Osama raid.
7. They continue to support dictatorships such as N.Korea.

There citizens might be nice but the government is full of assholes.

Gazondaily4695d ago

You sir, have a lot to learn.

Speed-Racer4695d ago

You know if it weren't for China, you wouldn't enjoy half of the products you own whether it be tech, gaming, etc

ProGrasTiNation4695d ago

Shackdaddy836,your last sentence could be allied to every government in the world.
China steal..lol everybody steals,what world are you living in?Democracy is the biggest dictatorship ever to crawl across this earth!& your no.4 LMAO!

monkeymagik4695d ago



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