
Watch Windows 8 boot in eight seconds, thanks to kernel hibernation

ThisIsMyNext: One half of Windows 7 users shut down their computers instead of hibernating them or putting them to sleep, according to Microsoft. That’s not a surprising statistic to me — I personally shut down my Win 7 machines because I’ve had drivers fail to initialize upon wake, as well as the rare blue screen. With Windows 8, though, users may change their mind about hibernation, because of the extreme benefit: in a new video released today on the Building Windows 8 blog (embedded after the break), you can see a full-sized Windows 8 machine boot to the Metro UI in just eight seconds.

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gaffyh4703d ago

I bet that is the fastest laptop available, and the OS is loading the absolute basics. When you load it up with all your anti-virus and security software it will definitely take longer. And all that it's loaded is 5 icons basically lol.

mahmoods264703d ago

the video has been edited at 34 seconds. It hurts their claims quite a bit

Speed-Racer4703d ago (Edited 4703d ago )

How :S It happened right after Windows fully loaded up to the desktop, so the claim holds true.

mahmoods264703d ago

It hurt their claims because other parts of the video may have been edited as well. Editing a speed test video is the last thing a company like microsoft should do and you're telling me they couldn't spare 10 minutes to do another take and reboot the system, just seems silly.
Additionally, I can believe the system boots under 8 seconds but the question becomes how fast will it boot with additional software and after it's been in use for some time and on more basic specs. If you're telling me a dual core laptop can boot in 8 seconds thats great, an i7 is just expected.

Speed-Racer4703d ago

There is only 1 edit (of her) which is at the mark you mentioned.

outwar60104703d ago

For those of you wondering, here are the specs of that laptop: it's a HP EliteBook 8640p (Intel® Core™ i7-620M, 8GB RAM, 160GB SSD). Taken from Steven Sinofsky's comment in the B8 blog.

ps im sure windows 7 does that same speed with programmes installed

darksied4703d ago

What, it has an SSD?! Man, my windows 7 loads up very fast too with an ssd. I was hoping that was a regular sata drive :( Anyway, I'm just going to say it's faster, but not by a tremendous amount.

hiredhelp4702d ago

I just seen that to. Im sorry if thats SSD then theres no need for this article cos thats the catch. SSD to any drive miles faster io flops.

hiredhelp4702d ago

UPDATE (real world)
my girlfreinds system my old rig
core 2 duo e6600. 4gb ram ddr3
hdd 32mb chach western digital 7200rpm
booted in 45-50seconds

gaffyh4702d ago

Knew it, that is a crazy spec for a laptop, I mean damn. The average laptops nowadays have 2GB ram and dual-core processors, and no way in hell do they have SSDs.

Speed-Racer4702d ago

Lol where? The average in my opinion is 4GB and low end quad core processors...

gaffyh4702d ago

I mean like the average spec people own, rather than the average you can buy now.

SirBillyBones4703d ago

My Windows 7 PC loads up in under 20 seconds so I can see that being plausible.

fatstarr4702d ago

yea i know some people who load up even faster than that. so it is possible especially with the new tech we have out to day.

SirBillyBones4702d ago

I love how 2 people disagree with what I said.. whatever makes you happy guys haha.

And yeh mines a mid range gaming rig so there are definitely people who can boot faster than me.

I don't see why people are so sceptical, eventually computers will boot up in one or two seconds.

mcstorm4703d ago

I cant wait to try windows 8 really like how wp7 works and windows 8 looks to add to that ms have really raised there game over te last few years and i can see ms having a very bright 10 years as alot of things they are now making work and work very well. Xbox wp7 whs2011 forefront endpoint sharepoint 2010 office 10 and many more.

I do wonder what impact windows 8 will have on the tablet market as much as i really like my xoom i would give it up for a os that can do as much as a windows pc that was as finger friendly as my xoom.

just_looken4702d ago

fyi win vista win 7 was the same os just that win 7 was win vista sp3 and it was flashy. if you track down real win 8 beta videos they again used the same guts/kernel. installation of win 8 beta starts with windows server 2008 then windows 8 components. after it install's your greated with a windows 7 control panel and windows vista looking theme with the basic start menu. The other stuf has windows 8 all over it like the desktop you cant change that has windows 8 beta build number. 0 new ms os's sense windows server 2008.

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