
Moon pictures show traces left by astronauts

Independent.co.uk says:

High resolution pictures of the surface of the Moon released by Nasa four decades after the last astronauts touched down on its surface reveal footsteps, landing craters and other evidence of man's lunar explorations.

The images taken by the US space agency's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter are the sharpest photographs ever taken from space of the Apollo 12, 14 and 17 landing sites.

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Crazay4705d ago

These are pretty sweet pics. I'd really like to see them go back there in the modern age.

theonlylolking4704d ago

Going to the moon is a waste of resources.

theonlylolking4704d ago

We cannot bring any useful resources back from the moon that would make a trip to the moon worth it.

Crazay4704d ago

How do you know that? Its not like they've been up there with the technology we have today. They might well find something worthwhile - They've really only researched a really small portion of that moon.

fatstarr4705d ago

so i guess the landing wasn't faked or staged?

might put a big hole in a lot of conspiracy theories.

Killzoned4704d ago

LOL clearly an edited picture, say that to an astronomer with an 16in telescope. They can't see shit up there


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