
Facebook Spends $40,000 to Tighten Security

Gadgehit writes: "Facebook, the popular social networking website, has spent $40,000 in an effort to increase security on the service. The company started a Google Chrome-like rewards service earlier this month, where people who pointed out security issues and bugs in the service."

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gaffyh4714d ago

I still don't think this will help against DDoS attacks, they need to probably hire that company that Sony hired to prevent them, and even then Sony had issues.

Speed-Racer4712d ago

Facebook has enough server power to last through most DDoS attacks. They spread out their bandwidth over CDNs, so the most they could do is take out a piece of the network. Akamai has hundreds of CDN locations.

KingPin4712d ago

i see facebook is taking anonymous threat to shut them down seriously. tightening up loop holes thats been there since the start. but nothing is gonna stop them. no system is 100% secure.

caseh4712d ago

Wooo big spend there boys, anyone would think that Facebook wasn't worth $50 Billion!!

TwistedMetal4712d ago

Hehe anonymous is attacking on novemeber 6th or was it 5th? I guess facebook just lube N up for the rape thats coming to them.

Captain Tuttle4712d ago

40 grand? That's their post-it-note budget.

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