
LG Thrill 4G Release Date Announced by AT&T – Glasses Free 3D

AT&T has announced, via twitter, the LG Thrill 4G will be released on September 4th of this year. AT&T says the new glasses-free 3D handset will make our world “come alive”.


AT&T soon to release 3D Smartphone “LG Thrill 4G” and WP7 “HTC HD7S” with Copy/Paste functionality

Today AT&T announced HTC HD7S WP7 and LG Thrill 4G with 3D enabled, LG Thrill 4G is the first US Smartphone with a glasses-free 4.3-inch stereoscopic 3D display plus 4G speed capability, where as HTC HD 7 S, which is essentially an AT&Tified version of the HD7 that has been on T-Mobile USA for quite some time now.

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techprezz4876d ago

LG Sucks as always, But HTC HD7S looks Promising here.

michass84875d ago

Yeah, this smartphones are very good, time for upgrade is coming...

cherie4871d ago

Learn how you can make the HD7 a productivity monster for free at http://www.homepipe.net/blo...