
Software Piracy - The Untold Tales [Infographic]

In 1966 the first software patent was granted! The very wordy: "A computer arranged for the automatic solution of linear programming problems."

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MikeonTV4722d ago

Kind of scary how much is pirated!

fatstarr4722d ago

great history lesson. hahaha

microsoft gets pirated like crazy same with adobe.

for me i admit it i got a copy of cs3 i dont use photoshop but once a year it doesnt justify the 400$+ price tag.

Yi-Long4721d ago

... if you're not in the graphic design industry or whatever, and you're not using it to earn your money, but just for casual use, then yeah, you'd be crazy to pay insane amounts of money on software like Adobe...

... and if you ARE in the industry, it's probably deductable by tax or your boss will pick up the check, which is part of the reason why the software is so crazy expensive in the first place.

Horny Melon4721d ago

There is no such thing as piracy. What it is, is a market correction.....media. meaning software, music, movies, games, etc. Now has an infinite supply and has an effective distribution cost of zero....in the supply/demand curve this means it has an effective value of zero. Media companies mismanaged budding technologies in the 90s which is why they are where they are at today. Nothing in this world says that your product will continue to be profitable till the end of time.


Massive Raid on “Sparks” group resulted in Drastic Piracy Fall off

It was heard that a comprehensive law enforcement action targeted scene release group “SPARKS” and its associates earlier this month.

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'Pirate' IPTV Provider Loses Case, Despite Not Offering Content Itself

A company that sold Kodi-based software which accessed infringing TV, movie and sports streams has lost an interesting case featuring Dutch anti-piracy group BREIN. MovieStreamer claimed that it only provided a referral service to third-party content through a series of links but the court found that despite the convoluted process, it still communicated copyrighted works to the public.

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EU paid for a report that concluded piracy isn’t harmful — and tried to hide the findings

Back in 2014, the European Commission paid the Dutch consulting firm Ecorys 360,000 euros (about $428,000) to research the effect piracy had on sales of copyrighted content.

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ajax172499d ago

They spent almost half a million dollars just to be proven wrong! Lol, I guess I'd be embarrassed enough to hide those findings as well.

But seriously, it's pretty screwed up that the EU would try to hide this information.

Cobra9512499d ago

It doesn't gel with the dominant narrative. It removes the justification for the state to destroy lives in the name of stopping piracy. Screwed up, you bet. Surprising, no.

ajax172499d ago

I meant surprising to *them*.

They were hoping to find piracy would be harmful. Rational people like us already knew it wasn't harmful.

Cobra9512499d ago

"Main conclusions
"In 2014, on average 51 per cent of the adults and 72 per cent of the minors
in the EU have illegally downloaded or streamed any form of creative content,
with higher piracy rates in Poland and Spain than in the other four countries
of this study. In general, the results do not show robust statistical evidence of
displacement of sales by online copyright infringements. That does not
necessarily mean that piracy has no effect but only that the statistical analysis
does not prove with sufficient reliability that there is an effect. An exception is
the displacement of recent top films. The results show a displacement rate of
40 per cent which means that for every ten recent top films watched illegally,
four fewer films are consumed legally. People do not watch many recent top
films a second time but if it happens, displacement is lower: two legal
consumptions are displaced by every ten illegal second views. This suggests
that the displacement rate for older films is lower than the 40 per cent for
recent top films. All in all, the estimated loss for recent top films is 5 per cent
of current sales volumes."

So the worst effect is to new movies, and even that is just 5% overall--just a *little* bit lower than the 100% effect the industry claims (i.e., every illegal download is a lost sale).

The game and media distributors have been hammering into the collective consciousness that piracy is the same thing as theft. This study suggests a very different reality, one that does not surprise me at all. While still clearly wrong, piracy in no way rises to the level of outright theft. That lie has been outed now.