
Bright Hub - The Battle Against the Galaxy S2

Bright Hub - The Galaxy S2 is making its way to the U.S. market like the Death Star on its way to Yavin 4. Which brave smartphones are set to take on this powerful device from Samsung?

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Comparison: Amazon Fire vs Apple iPad 2, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, NOOK Color

Wondering about the differences between the Amazon Fire, Apple iPad 2, NOOK Color, and Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.2? Look no further. This is a detailed comparison of how they stack up against each other. Comparison includes screen, battery life, hardware specs, media support, unique features, and a whole lot more.

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benderx4637d ago

One thing is for sure -- the Amazon Fire is definitely going to help drive the price down of its competitors. It should look especially attractive to regular Amazon users too, especially those with Prime since you can watch so many movies from it. Kindle users have the benefit of using it to read too using their book library.

Bolts4637d ago (Edited 4637d ago )

I was about to buy the Fire but then I realized that it represent everything I don't want from an Android tablet. The small storage size, the lack of expandable memory, the lack of the Android market place, the inability to use the stock android OS.

If I wanted to live in a gated ecosystem then I would buy an iPad 2.

Shackdaddy8364637d ago

Doesn't it have unlimited cloud storage though?

benderx4636d ago

Yup -- it has Amazon Cloud Storage.

mcstorm4636d ago

IMO the best out of this lot is the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 but I think the Xoom is the best android tablet on the market as it offers hdmi out usb controller support and will get 4.0 android.

I do like the Idea of tablets but I still think they are a long way from replacing desktop and laptop pc's because of the limited web browsing and apps.

I think this may change when windows 8 is out next year though. But Tablets are here to stay that is for sure.


Samsung Galaxy Note source code released

AC - Samsung is at it again, dropping the kernel source code for more devices and today they’ve added the Galaxy Note to the list. This awesome device announced back at IFA is a 5.3″ Super AMOLED packing smartphone — or tablet, or whatever you want to call it. While not yet available in the U.S. and may never will be, Samsung has already released the source code for said device.

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Samsung i9100 is the dual-core Galaxy 2, sequel to the Galaxy S?

Along with a Sony Ericsson Anzu, the James Bond of cellphones -- alias Eldar Murtazin -- claims to be playing with a Samsung GT-i9100 right now, calling it the "Galaxy 2" and saying it's "so technically advanced" thanks in part to a dual-core processor. It seems like a long shot that this would be the Cortex-A9-based Orion since chips and development boards are just now being sampled -- but considering how far in advance Murtazin tends to score phones, we can't rule anything out.

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