
Supercharging Android: Google to Acquire Motorola Mobility

Since its launch in November 2007, Android has not only dramatically increased consumer choice but also improved the entire mobile experience for users. Today, more than 150 million Android devices have been activated worldwide—with over 550,000 devices now lit up every day—through a network of about 39 manufacturers and 231 carriers in 123 countries. Given Android’s phenomenal success, we are always looking for new ways to supercharge the Android ecosystem. That is why I am so excited today to announce that we have agreed to acquire Motorola.

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halocursed4729d ago

And the Patent Wars have begun.

fatstarr4729d ago (Edited 4729d ago )

The death to apple


ALL press the kill button and attack at once
and destroy the main enemy.

they need to deal with apple first

skyfire22614729d ago

Riiiight and none of those other companies you mentioned are evil right? they are all just saints? <rolls eyes>.

theonlylolking4729d ago

Saint is not a person that is not evil.
hose companies that fatstarr listed are far better than apple though.

Blasphemy4729d ago

I wander how this will affect Android phones. Will the OS go exclusively to Motorola handsets now?

TheEatingVodka4729d ago

No way man.. It will be easier for Motorola to develop android phones because they are Google's now and will probably get more attention from them and the next Nexus is probably gonna be made by Motorola. But not more than that..

mcstorm4729d ago

Sounds good to me maybe my xoom will start to get some love from google and they can start to push the device against the ipad. I do see ms buying nokia soon too with to me will be very nice as my next phone will be a nokia wp7 as had htc devices fpr the last 3 years and fancy something different.
But this is a god move by google even though moto dont have a massive share in the mobile market it will help google release there own devices how they want them to be just like ms and nokia. The next 5 years is going to be very interesting in the mobile market as windows phone ios and android start to take shape in the market as the main 3 os systems.


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