
Give Your Website A Thorough Security Check With HackerTarget

As the internet evolves and the systems it’s running on become harder to hack, you’d think websites would be hacked less! In fact, the opposite is true, with the number one problem lying not in the software but in human complacency.

That said, how can you know if your site is vulnerable? That’s where the free service HackerTarget.com comes in.

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Adobe Servers Hacked, 2.9 Million Customers Affected

Maximum PC: Adobe Chief Security Officer Brad Arkin has revealed that Adobe’s servers were attacked in a successful attempt to access customer data and product source code. 2.9 million customers are affected with “names, encrypted credit or debit card numbers, expiration dates, and other information relating to customer orders,” taken.

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mpctips3949d ago

This is one of the reasons why I use Foxit PDF Reader.


Chase's website slowed by glitches

CNN Writes - Chase's website was not only slow but was unavailable for some users for many hours,. the same happened to Bank of America a day later.Some hacker groups claimed responsibility via Twitter.

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SnakeCQC4327d ago

chase bank is crap and racist /watch?v=m-BUy6W0mZ0


Government releases 'The UK Cyber Security Strategy.'

NRM: "The UK government released its 2011 Cyber Security plans to protect and promote the UK in a digital world.

The new strategy reports to increase its focus on cybercrime, and place a spotlight on maintaining the economic and social prosperity found in the cyberspace. It's clear to see that Whitehall is definitely moving in a positive direction in terms of getting to grasps with these ever-growing complexities of our global produce. From the sights of it, it's not going to be easy; but it's a long-term set of tasks and incentives that will benefit both private and public sectors."

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