
Mid-Range SSD Comparison 2011 - Hardcoreware

Hardcoreware: Ask anyone who owns an SSD, and they will tell you that it is the single most noticeable upgrade you can make to your existing PC (provided your PC is no more than a few years old). Unlike many products, which show higher “numbers” than their predecessors, the “numbers” actually mean something. If you are stuck with a mechanical drive, booting into Windows or starting large applications can be measured in times easily perceptible.

So now that you’ve been convinced that you want an SSD for your next PC, you have a lot to choose from. Every brand seems to have chosen a different SSD controller to base their products on, along with different types of flash memory. Therefore, the available products are significantly different even within the same price range. Today we will be looking at four different midrange SSDs from four of the most popular manufacturers.

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Amazon Slash Up To 53% Off On Sabrent Internal Solid State Drives

Daily Video Game writes: "The online retailer Amazon is offering up to 53% off on several Sabrent Internal Solid State Drives right now as part of its deal of the day! So act fast if you're looking for new SSD!"

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Amazon Slashes 33% Off On Samsung 860 QVO 1TB Solid State Drive

Daily Video Game writes: "If you're in need of a new SSD, the online retailer Amazon is offering 33% off on Samsung 860 QVO 1TB Solid State Drive right now! So, make sure you take advantage of this deal before it ends!"

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Best 480GB & 500GB SSD for the Money

Techosaurus Rex writes: "Solid State Drives – or SSD – are a essential components of any modern computer today. Offering blazing fast reading and writing speeds, these new drives will load up your operating system, programs and games a lot faster than the old HDDs. If you haven’t tested a SSD yet, you have to and you’ll never want to revert back to your old HDD!"

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