
Bright Hub - A Review of the myTouch 4G Slide

Bright Hub - The myTouch 4G Slide is the followup to the original myTouch 4G. Featuring the same design elements but with a slide out QWERTY keyboard attached, the myTouch 4G Slide hopes to slide into the competitive smartphone market.

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Bright Hub - HTC Sensation vs. T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide

The Sensation and myTouch 4G Slide are among the flagship smartphones for T-Mobile USA, both made by HTC. When faced against each other, which smartphone is the better smartphone to purchase?

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Bright Hub - T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide Versus the G2x

Bright Hub - A titanic battle on T-Mobile's 4G network is brewing between the myTouch 4G Slide and the G2x. Both have impressive features and specs but when placed in battle, which smartphone comes out on top?

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Engadget - T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide review

Engadget - Not too long ago, things were pretty simple in T-Mobile's Android land. For us (the nerds, geeks, power users, early adopters, and other misbegotten social deviants) there was the G series of phones with plain Android, culminating recently with LG's delightful G2x. If you wanted to buy your mom an Android smartphone, you'd point her at the myTouch series of handsets with custom HTC Sense-based skins, like last winter's myTouch 4G.

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