
Facebook still not shutting down

BT: "It seems several small sites have taken the same content from that post but changed the alleged shut down date to March 15th 2012. Facebook druggies have already started panicking once again, and are sharing the fake post like crazy."

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RonyDean4949d ago

There are some really stupid people in this world if they think a billion dollar company is gonna go away just like that...

codyodiodi4949d ago

People need to stop being morons, the very fact that an article has to be written about this just shows how dumb people are.

During my process of whether or not to approve the story I was thinking about reporting it as being lame because in all honestly it is kind of lame. Then I realized that most likely 400 million users on Facebook will think this is true.

xtremegamerage4947d ago

seriously who gives a toss about facebook anyway,lol.

Thecraft19894947d ago

the millions of millions of people who use it everyday.

Speed-Racer4947d ago

The 750 millions users on it.

f7897904947d ago

Well I'm on it but I haven't used it in over a year. Skype has connected to me to my friends better than Facebook has.

GrumpyVeteran4947d ago

Agreed, Xtreme. Just a bunch of stupid teenagers who use it because they're all apart of the hive mind.

Jonoc334947d ago

You know if you actually have friends on facebook, it's quite useful. You should try it!

Not only does it connect me to old friends from school it keeps me close to the friends I care about most and makes it a hell of a lot easier to organise things.

laid2rest4947d ago

Facebook isn't even that bad, i use it everyday to talk to keep in contact with friends and find new music, concert tours, metal merchandise, it has so much more to it than just talking to people.

iNFAMOUZ14947d ago

facebook sucks ass, google + all the way.

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