
Your Online Social Life is up for Grabs: Google+ vs Facebook Parodies

Let the battle for your online social life begin. Google+ has been rapidly invading the lives of tech and business professionals over the past couple of days, and is said to soon take over everyone else. Seriously, everyday there is a new article about how “awesome” Google+ is or about how Google’s profits are exploding thanks to Google+ and yadda yadda.

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codyodiodi4748d ago

"Let the battle for your online social life begin. Google+ has been rapidly invading the lives of tech and business professionals over the past couple of days"

Someone has been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks since Google+ launched a while ago..

Jihaad_cpt4748d ago

um no it didn't its not available for the mass public

codyodiodi4747d ago

Okay this story was published when, yesterday?

I've been on Google+ since the end of June, which is a couple weeks not a couple days. It's very simple math.

Jihaad_cpt4747d ago

um just because you were part of the limited testing phase does not mean it has not launched. Do you not comprehend what I said?

krazykombatant4748d ago

Google has tons of information gathering on people, I know FB does too but not nearly as much as Google. I limit how much i use google (other than research and well looking up stuff which i don't know about). anyways only time will tell if i'll join google+

fatstarr4748d ago

Dimitri Never gets old. lol

Jihaad_cpt4748d ago (Edited 4748d ago )

um its all the same stuff

Der_Fuhrer4747d ago

No the whole "circles" idea is genius, it really is. And group video chat with family/friends. Other than that, pretty much the same....but the differences make it better.


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