
Next Generation iPhone Arriving in US on 5th September?

Looks like the Next generation iPhone is coming out on 5th September, just a month away from now, according to the latest rumors circulating the industry. a very solid source has tipped that the next generation iPhone will be released on 5th October on Swisscom network

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bwazy4751d ago (Edited 4751d ago )

This will be my first iPhone. Hope its worth the wait.

RurouniKaze4751d ago

hell yes.till u get it-ure missing half ur life

fatstarr4750d ago

what does that even mean?

tons of android and wp7 users are enjoying life to the fullest.

KROBOS93939394750d ago

i'm just curios... where are you from?

bwazy4750d ago

Churchill Manitoba. We just got cell service 11 months ago LOL

Shackdaddy8364751d ago (Edited 4751d ago )

Same with me :) It will replace my 5 year old ipod and my 8 year old phone.

Raf1k14750d ago

I've been holding out for this one too. I hope it's as big an improvement on the 4th gen as I think it will be.

GrumpyVeteran4751d ago

Apple milking the teet of their fans once again.

How much milk is left?

LOOK_AT_THIS_I4750d ago

I guess the same could be said with most car makers as well. Get the brand new f-150 with 20 extra hp, we added a gps, a 3rd cupholder and a;; this and only added another 2,000 to the price.

I will be picking this up to replace the 3g iphone I have now which is starting to show its age similar to an old computer. I hate itunes software but unless you are a pirate the iphone is not that bad, you can use Opera web browser for flash, stream netflix and hulu on them all without having to wait for a wishful android update, and you can put whatever custom ringtones on it that you want with just a little bit of work.

fatstarr4750d ago

Good sir there is so much milk left its not even funny.

Apple has their religion.

the other day some one asked me " if i should get a laptop or a mac book pro "

and then the stupidest comment ever = "the pc is too expensive".

i almost raged and just told them "its more than 300$ cheaper than the mac book and it has better specs are you a fcking idiot..."

there is no end to the madness.

DaThreats4751d ago

It's actually 1 1/2 months away

nopunctuation4751d ago


mcstorm4750d ago

Yay Apple have another Iphone out that is a little bit better faster than the last one for opening one app at a time but dose not offer anything more than the original Iphone dose.

Its not long now until the Iphone wheels fall off from the reaction I am seeing from Iphone users.

smartmart4750d ago

I don't find anything strange in a hardware centered business to release hardware update to keep up with competitors specs. people rushing to change their almost new iphone 4 for no apparent reason could be laughed at, but if it was a planned change anyway or a first phone then go for it.

the very least a company should do to get customer money , is to appear as in constant evolution, either by marketing or by technology, ideally both!

caseh4750d ago

'the very least a company should do to get customer money , is to appear as in constant evolution, either by marketing or by technology, ideally both!'

Apple's problem is they innovate then they fail to evolve the product to a point where later revisions make the older versions look crap.

I have respect for Apple but fanboys should realise that phones like Samsungs Galaxy S2 blows the iPhone 4 out of the water and I can't see the iPhone5 topping a dual core processor @1.2GHz. Effectively you end up paying a LOT for antiquated hardware with a software revision as they are blinded by brand loyalty.

Raf1k14750d ago

There's nothing wrong with updating yearly as its a standard practice for many businesses but TBH I don't believe that iPhones are updated to be competitive in a hardware sense since Androids are superior. I think iPhones are updated to give people a reason to buy a new one. A lot of the new features they keep adding are not new at all. They add an old feature like video chat, give it a fancy name and market it as revolutionary.

PS360PCROCKS4750d ago

"Galaxy S2 blows the iPhone 4 out of the water and I can't see the iPhone5 topping a dual core processor @1.2GHz."

ya and it's totally worth it to huh? My parents Droid X is superior to my Iphone 4, guess which phone runs faster, has the better app marketplace, loads apps/games faster and is 1000x more reliable? Yeah it's not the android one...Oh and did I mention a moderate 2 days of battery life if your not constantly on it. mines been unplugged um 9 hours today and it's at 95%

I love how everyone bashes on the Iphone because they have a snazzy dual core android phone. i had a Droid, it was a good phone, but was kinda slow, laggy and had terrible battery life. Your phone does NOTHING special that's worth a damn (plug to your tv! woo hoo!) and all the power is effectively wasted by apps that are developed for the lowest common denominator.

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