
Apple MacBook Air review (13-inch, mid 2011)

ThisIsMyNext: "The original MacBook Air was more of a status symbol than a computer. Sure, it was a functional laptop that could glide into a manila envelope, but the $1,799 laptop was, by and large, a secondary machine — it trailed behind other ultraportables in performance, lacked some essential ports (it only had one USB port and there was no SD card slot), and packed a small and slow hard drive. For most, the sacrifices were just too many to justify for the high price. If I think back, they were actually pretty rare to see out and about, and when I would spot one, I can remember thinking “that guy must have a nice car, too.

The Air is now stuffed with a fresh dual-core Core i5 processor (there’s an i7 option too), a glowing keyboard, and a new Thunderbolt port. And it boots Apple’s brand new Mac OS X Lion (10.7), which we’ve already deemed pretty great. Yes, it physically looks the same and those may seem like just minor spec updates, but the additions change a heck of a lot more than you’d think. Read on after the break for my full review."

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snoop_dizzle4753d ago (Edited 4753d ago )

I've never been big on the MBA, but the more I'm seeing the new MBA, I'm starting to think this would be the perfect laptop for me especially since I move around a lot with it, and it seems to have pretty solid battery life. And it finally has a Sandy Bridge i5 or i7 processor in it.

More recently I have been looking at the Lenovo X1 because it's an excellent ultraportable (plus I like Lenovo because they make very solid products), and it caught my eye for quite a while, but then this MBA refresh made me do a double take.

I was configuring a Lenovo X1 and was surprised that depending on what I wanted (screen resolution, or and SSD, etc) the the MBA in some ways ended up being less expensive.

For instance, if you wanted more RAM, the X1 would be more ideal, but when it came to the SSD (since it's standard on the MBA) and screen resolution (1440x900 on the 13"), the MBA was actually more reasonable, and the SSD gives the MBA excellent performance. You are stuck at 1366x 768 on the X1, which is what the 11" MBA starts at. On the X1, the base model doesn't come with an SSD.

I usually would only stick with a 15" laptop (never really cared much for 17"+ laptops or smaller than 15", but given the resolution is higher on the MBA than pretty much any 13" laptop that I know of, I might end up getting this.

Additionally, these benchmarks seem to be showing it outperform the competition too and still maintain better battery life. The Viao Z is another story, but that seems to be starting in the $2000+ range.

If I want raw power I'll likely go the desktop route. I am also hopping to build a PC sometime soon.

BubbleSniper4753d ago

my nizzle dizzle, if you build it.... they will come....

....on the highest settings!


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sonicwrecks149d ago

I've fixed the images on some of these past submissions of yours. Please in the future make sure the image isn't broken on submission.( I always found it best to download/upload it to be honest. )