YouTube Cosmic Panda redesign goes live

Pocket-Lint: What's the deal with Google and pandas? Do Larry and Sergy have a secret fetish that we don't know about? First was Google Panda, the search engine's algorithm revamp, and now YouTube has undergone a massive overhaul in a project titled Cosmic Panda.

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YouTube Calls Out OpenAI for Alleged Sora Training Terms Breach

According to Bloomberg, YouTube CEO Neal Mohan has expressed concern regarding the potential misuse of platform content by OpenAI’s Sora, an AI-driven video creation tool.

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The Downward Spiral of Linus Media Group

Shaz from TL writes: “Linus Sebastian’s media company, Linus Media Group, is under fire. From ethical concerns with videos, to allegations of workplace harassment.”

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How to turn on closed captions on YouTube

If you need (or prefer) to read video content on YouTube, you have options.

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514d ago