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By Book Or By Nook

FleshEatingZipper writes: I love the smell of books, I love the feel of them in my hands, how they look on the shelf, okay let’s face it, I just love books, but I also own a Nook. That’s why I was interested in Barns and Noble’s new campaign that encourages reading. “By Nook or by book, I will read.” The love of books something that I took from my childhood, many people of my generation grew up in the booming time of electronics. The niftier the device the more attracted to it and the Nook is no exception to this, none of the e-readers are. The Nook combines the love of technology and love of reading, making over two million books, magazines, and newspapers available at people’s finger tips. People who had originally lost interest in reading have picked up a Nook and started reading again. Busy moms, single parents, business men, traveling people, and those who just thought that books were out dated have rediscovered the escape that lay with in the words of books.

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Goodnight and good Nook: farewell to a beloved e-reader

Barnes & Noble has shut down its ebook store. It may have been overshadowed and outsold by the Kindle, but for some readers, it was briefly a revelation

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E-book seller Nook pulls out of UK

Barnes & Noble will stop selling digital books for its Nook device on 15 March, the firm said on World Book Day.


Microsoft stock climbs as company parts ways with Barnes & Noble, takes a loss

Back in 2012, Microsoft entered into an agreement with Barnes & Noble to fund their (at the time, quite popular) e-reader/tablet, the Nook. The deal saw Microsoft invest over $300 million in exchange for a 17.6% stake in the rising digital business. However, after years of slumping Nook sales due to the rise of the Kindle and the iPad, as well as Microsoft releasing its own tablet, the Surface line, both companies have agreed to end the pact and split ways.

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