
China Wants to Buy Facebook

Business Insider: China wants to buy a huge chunk of Facebook, a source at a fund that buys stock from former Facebook employees tells us.

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halocursed4769d ago

Hoping this isn't true, a red theme instead of the fbook blue would be really funny.

fatstarr4769d ago

lol this isnt good any way that you look at it.

lets hope its wrong

michass84769d ago

well this country has the money :)

RememberThe3574769d ago

Great now they can try to filler the rest of the worlds communication. Fuck the Chinese.

_Q_4769d ago

If so. I'm gone. Too many people have my info as it is. Google,Facebook,Amazon, PSN(all have had bouts with hackers). I feel like selling FB to China is like hackers BUYING your personal information....

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