
Social Media beats out Online Porn in popularity, according to survey

Yes, it seems Social Media has jumped ahead of online pornography in terms of popularity, according to a newish company called Socialnomics.

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Speed-Racer4832d ago

Guess ppl like chatting over a pair of tits :P

Sahil4832d ago

No No No.. this is not the world I live in :(

RonyDean4832d ago


fatstarr4832d ago

wow when you let everyone use the internet it really changes shit,
bring back the old days -_- smh skateboard terms the internet is selling out.

hazelamy4832d ago

there's something more people use the internet for then porn? O_O

i don't believe it.

gedapeleda4832d ago

I watch two lesbians play, munching pink away Now I engage masturbation Video loading clear. cumming time is here Buffering is aggravation Fucking I will see, site charges a fee Well then site fuck you, you’re a cheap jew I’m Jerking faster Now my lubed hand is her I’m jerking faster Now my lubed hand is her Masturbation, I’m pulling my thing Later on I’ll have wet dreams Cum in my eye, I can’t see a thing Mom calls my name and then I scream I’m mastur bating

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