
AOL Profit Falls 86% as Subscribers Keep Fleeing

Mashable writes: "AOL’s profits fell 86% from the first quarter of 2010 to now, as its subscriptions and advertising revenue continued to suffer.

In a statement, AOL CEO Tim Armstrong tried to find a positive note. He said the quarterly financial report includes a milestone for one advertising revenue stream: display ads."

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_Q_4904d ago

Yay Another Dinosaur going where they should..Extinct! After seeing all the Huffington post free working crap and the indirect dismantling of Engadget. AOL can whither and die the shallow near sighted money grubbing POS it has become! lol Sorry but they are just slimy sometimes.

Sahil4904d ago

AOL should buy Myspace and the both of them can go down together.

xVeZx4904d ago

with facebook and texting theres really no point for AOL or AIM anymore

_Q_4904d ago

Hell, twitter is far superior to all of these options imho.

fatstarr4904d ago

:/ I need AOL to live forever. I got so much old stuff connected to it that it would be impossible for me to change emails. (btw i dont use Aol as a Main its just a email from decades ago)


Verizon again sold Internet pioneer Yahoo and AOL for $5 billion

Internet pioneers Yahoo and AOL are changing hands yet again as Verizon is selling its Verizon Media branch for about $5 billion

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RYOT Lab Launched by AOL to Create AR/VR Branded Content

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RYOT and AOL Partner With ELLE for AR November Issue

Next week's November issue of ELLE will now feature AR.