
Watch an Amazing Prediction of the iPad from 1994

Gawker: "Back in 1994, while the hosts of The Today Show were still grappling with the concept of the internet, a Knight Ridder think tank put together an amazingly prescient presentation on the tablet-y future of news consumption."

xVeZx4970d ago

there were no movies in the 80s that had tablet PC looking things?

Cat4970d ago

That's why I watch Star Trek, so I'm prepared for the future.


Famous ChatGPT app Petey is currently available for iPad

The famous ChatGPT application for Apple Watch, Petey, became available for iPhone a couple of months ago.

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Apple macOS 14 Sonoma: Release date, features and Mac compatibility

Apple’s next operating system for its Mac models is called macOS 14 Sonoma, in this article, we will give you some details about the tech giant’s next version of macOS.

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Apple has cut trade-in values for iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks

Trade-in value has been slashed ahead of the holiday shopping season.

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