
Top 5 BlackBerry Pearl Accessories

Here are some of the best accessories for the BlackBerry Pearl, including stereo headsets, pouches, charging pods and wireless Bluetooth headsets.

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Speed-Racer4941d ago

Wow Brighthub really is posting some low quality crap these days

michass84941d ago

It is pretty old device, in fact I even don't know any one who using it. but it actually reminds my that I had to buy the dock/charging pod to my device... :)

Speed-Racer4941d ago

You have a BB.. oh no.. Move up to an iphone or android

michass84940d ago

haha I need dock for my htc which is operated by android, but in fact I have one blackberry device, it was free as unwanted upgrade, and what? I even can't sell it LOL

bwazy4940d ago

Don't forget your tampon.


Facebook and BlackBerry are heading to court over voice messaging patents

There’s a new battle commencing between Facebook and BlackBerry. On Tuesday, the social network sued the phone maker over alleged infringement of six patents. Of these, one is related to a voice message feature in BBM Enterprise.

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BlackBerry Key 2 Review | CGM

BlackBerry is back, with one of the most refined, yet useful devices to date, the BlackBerry Key 2.

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Blackberry claws itself from obscurity to announce a new flagship phone releasing in June

The previous titan of industry has had a bumpy time lately, but a new partnership with Chinese company TCL seems to have saved them from the brink of absolute destruction and obscurity. They’re currently ramping up for a release party on June the 7th in New York for the successor for last years KeyOne.

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