
Bright Hub - HTC Inspire vs. Samsung Infuse

The HTC Inspire and Samsung Infuse are both vying for customers on AT&T's new 4G network. This HTC Inspire vs. Samsung Infuse battle pits the two smartphones against each other in design, display, hardware, software, battery life and features. Which feature set smartphone comes out on top?

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michass84875d ago

there is a huge difference, to be honest I really don't know why HTC still installing so small internal memory in all new devices... It is a huge problem, as the games, apps are taking plenty space...

fatstarr4875d ago

yes the internal memory is a problem. i wonder if you can make a virus that just keeps calling for memory untill its all gone and then the phone just crashes.

Hot Hardware: Samsung Infuse 4G Android Smartphone Review

Hot Hardware: AT&T continues to flesh out their 4G capable smartphone offerings with a device that some might consider a "superphone," as the term has been coined recently. Take a goosed up, Samsung Hummingbird processor at 1.2GHz, drop in Samsung's gorgeous and gargantuan 4.5-inch Super AMOLED Plus display, power it with Android 2.2 (Froyo) along with a few tweaks of Samsung' s handset UI and you have what's affectionately known as the Infuse 4G. That said, the Infuse isn't actually going to run at true 4G speeds on AT&T's network, but rather their HSPA+ technology, but you knew that. Or did you?

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Samsung Infuse 4G and HP Veer 4G now on sale at AT&T

Engadget: These two smartphones probably couldn't be any different if they tried -- on the left, we've got the tiny 2.6-inch HP Veer with webOS on board, and on the right is Samsung's Infuse 4G, a giant 4.5-inch Android that costs twice as much on contract.

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Samsung Infuse 4G review (Engadget)

Engadget: "It's the Infuse 4G, it's $199 on-contract, and it has a decidedly high-end feel. It even looks a little like the S II -- if you squint. This is its own phone, though, a giant 4.5-inch screen setting it apart from its predecessors, and a giant battery inside giving it plenty of life. But is it really as good as it looks?"

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