
Nintendo Wii 2: specs and features wishlist

Pocket-Lint: If the internet rumourmill is to be believed, we could be seeing the Nintendo Wii 2 as early as June 2011 at the E3 gaming expo in Los Angeles. While the Wii led the way in motion-controlled gaming it has been rather outshined lately by Sony's PlayStation Move and Microsoft's controller-free Xbox Kinect system. So, in that case, what would we like to see on the Nintendo Wii 2 to help it stand up to its rival consoles? Read on to find out.

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fatstarr4932d ago

"To put that into perspective, a quad-core chipset could put the Wii 2 in the same league as the Xbox 360 and its tri-core processor."

why would nintendo make a new system to be compared to a 5 years old console... if anything nintendo should go all out, hopefully they see that this generation is madness and needs to be updated.
hopefully once the wii 2 sells 20million units in 1 year sony and Microsoft will follow.

michass84931d ago

yeah, it is time to sell my Wii :) waiting for release LOL


Touch Screens Are the Future of Gaming

Touch screen technology has been around for quite a while now, but only recently have they made their presence known in modern day technology devices.

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Wii 2 is 'Project Café', says report - tech specs, controller details claimed

CVG: As if you haven't had enough today, the latest Wii 2 rumour report has emerged - and it's a big one, claiming tech specs and controller details for the not-so-secret-anymore Nintendo console.

French site 01net, which previously released the NGP specs long before any official announcement, has backed up widespread claims that Nintendo will reveal its next console at E3 this year.

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