
Motorola Xoom, LG Optimus Pad, Acer Iconia A100, and ASUS Eee Pad get Euro retailer pricing

Engadget: The Carphone Warehouse, known under the brand name of Phone House across Europe, has revealed its future pricing for a quartet of Android Honeycomb tablets in the latest version of its device catalog. The 7-inch Acer Iconia A100 scoops the prize for being most affordable with a €349 sticker, while the 10-inch Xoom's €699 price is confirmed and the 8.9-inch Optimus Pad gets its lowest pricing yet, at a still unaffordable €849.

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michass84879d ago

What, so in US you can get Xoom for $599 = €422.
Whoever set up the price for the Europe probably used the wrong currency converter, setting it up at €699 :/ this is ridiculous... very unfair... and getting it from US will be too expensive with taxes and post charges...


The Best Android Tablets of All Time

Hardcore Droid-‘Tis the season for high-tech gift giving—well, almost. But with Black Friday on the horizon, it is most definitely the season for purchasing high-end electronics. And here at Hardcore Droid, we want to help you find the perfect gift for that Android gamer in your family. And while phones are all fine and good, to be a truly hardcore mobile gamer, you need a bigger screen, faster processor and ultimately a richer gaming experience. Enter: a shiny new Android tablet. And to help you sift through the piles and piles of options floating around out there, we thought we’d highlight out favorites, all with the most hardcore specs (in no particular order, of course).

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The Best Android Tablets Ever Made

Hardcore Droid - The selection of available Android tablets has grown impressively in a very short time. In the face of such variety, it can be difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff. In keeping with our tireless dedication to organizing everything worth knowing into lists of 8-12 items, Hardcore Droid is happy to bring you this list of some of the most noteworthy Android tablet devices of the past and present.

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HardcoreDroid4114d ago

Apologies. I honestly missed that. Accurate speed reader that I am.

It's fixed. Do let me know if there are any other problems.

HardcoreDroid4114d ago

Sorry, sorry. Over-confident--my first Tech Spy post and Ive been posting excerpts in a few places such as N4G for a while now and I sort of rushed in expecting the guidelines to be the same. But I think I have it now and thank you again for helping me get it back on track.


Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean finally pushed to Motorola Xoom WiFi testers

Android Central - After a little bit of a delay, Motorola and Google are now pushing out the Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean update to Motorola Xoom WiFi owners who signed up for the testing process. Overall, it's Jelly Bean. Not much else can be said about it really. Everything you would expect to be in place, is indeed there with one exception. That one exception appears to be Chrome. You still need to download it from the Google Play Store in order to have it loaded.

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