
10 Reasons to Buy a Windows Phone

Microsoft are battling to get back into the smartphone market with their user friendly Windows Phone 7 platform. Is it time you considered trying out WP7? Here are ten reasons why you should.

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fatstarr4879d ago

Good reasons but there is way more freedom on the android platform.

michass84879d ago

Agree, for now on I will stay with the Android platform, unless WP bring some great extra features that Android doesn't have, but is there any LOL

fatstarr4879d ago

wp will never bring anything new to the table as long as they keep following in apples dirty footsteps. the industry wont change unless someone goes off tangent and comes up with some new ideas.

Strongfist364877d ago

Android and Apple have the market saturated. WP had to do something "different". This caused them to only be able to capture what I am going to call a niche smart phone user.

fatstarr4877d ago

they are trying something new yet at the same time it doesn't appeal to a majority of the market. Microsoft needs to come out with something different like in video game terms they need a AAA game to sell millions.

the first thing i think they should do is have an extremely over powered phone to be the WP7 spec leader like Google does with the Nexus and apple with the newest iphone.

michass84877d ago

with all office applications they should hit business customers in most.

iliimaster4877d ago

im fine with my HTC inspire 4g this phone is incredible

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Windows Phone 8 devices will get Windows 10 upgrade, Microsoft reveals

Replying to a tweet from a curious consumer, the company revealed that all current devices running Windows Phone 8 will be bumped up to Windows 10 in the future.

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Remotely Control Torrents Using Windows Phone With uTorrent Remote

WML Cloud - uTorrent remote is a app for Windows Phone devices that can be used to control your uTorrent client on a Windows or Mac computer.

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kingPoS4292d ago (Edited 4292d ago )

He he.. alright now I can control the torrents on my PC from afar... from a far...

No wait! get this off my pc befo..01100110101110


No Xbox Music For Windows 7 And Windows Phone 7 Users: Microsoft Has Abandoned Us All

Mobile & Apps: "Xbox Music is great, but the service is flawed in ways that shouldn't have existed. If you have a Windows Phone 7 handset or a Windows 7 PC, know one thing - Microsoft doesn't love you. Want the company to have serious feelings for you? Upgrade, simple."

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adorie4299d ago

Who cares? Lol. Just something to entice people to move to windows 8. There is plenty of better alternatives out there.

Gondee4299d ago

If they give you all the features of the new software, in the old software, then no ones is going to upgrade.... Microsoft is a business, and just with any business, its exists for no other reason than to make money.

BUTTTTTT, no xbox music on windows phone 7!! they are still selling that on low end phones. Is the integrated zune store just going to die? be a worthless icon...

sjaakiejj4298d ago

Lol, just wait until they finish DirectX 12 - Windows 8 (or 9) only!