
Samsung Galaxy S II i9100 for AT&T and a Mysterious SGH-i708 Smartphones got through FCC

FCC has posted Images of two approved Smartphones from Samsung, one of them is familiar Android Smartphone the big Samsung Galaxy II i9100, but you can see anothet Image of phone dubbed SDH-i708 I am sorry it’s as the Iamge shows Mysterious.

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techprezz4884d ago

Is there any speciality abt these smartphones ??

michass84884d ago

It is one of the best at the moment...

techprezz4884d ago

In What sense you said it is the best one ?

michass84883d ago

Well dual core processor, good battery, great internal memory, all features like gps, etc., and Gingerbread on the board. It is fast and top specs device. One of the best out there at this point. Lol


AT&T is placing data limits on HBO Max again

This comes after new net neutrality laws pass in California.

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PrimeVinister1226d ago

Ajit Pai has a lot to answer for.


AT&T's CEO predicts people will continue to cut cable out of their budget

AT&T’s CEO John Stankey said that he expects the pay-TV industry to soon hit a level of little or no growth. He predicts that it will plateau once the number of pay-TV subscribers falls somewhere between 55 and 60 million users.

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AT&T’s 5G ain’t s*** (yet), according to new PCMag report

PCMag released its Fastest Mobile Networks report and there are plenty of interesting insights to be found, including ones about 5G.

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