
Brighthub: Galaxy S 2 (II) Review

A first look, hands on review of the successor to the Samsung Galaxy S throne, the Galaxy S 2. This review covers the display, design, user interface, hardware, software, and features of the Samsung Galaxy S 2 from the 2011 Mobile World Congress.

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fatstarr4890d ago

hopefully this line of phones continue. I wanna get the Galaxy S3 (III).

michass84890d ago

Samsung is developing great devices, hopefully this line will be continued... :)


Smouldering smartphones: a brief history of mobile phone fires and how to avoid them

Smartphones are a mixture of electronic circuitry and potentially volatile substances, or at least that’s what victims of spontaneous cellphone combustion believe. There’s a dotted history of sparking, fiery smartphones while simply sitting on a desk or plugged into the wall charging.

Most recently, a 13-year-old American girl woke to find her Samsung Galaxy S4 smouldering under her pillow in the middle of the night...

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A Quick History of the Galaxy S Series: From the Galaxy S to S5

iSquad Repair tech columnist Gabe Carey takes a retrospective look at Samsung's Galaxy S smartphone devices, from beginning to end.

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TechImperia - Installing Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2 on Samsung galaxy S2

TechImperia - Android 4.2.2 is the latest Android version offered by Google. You will be amazed by the speed of ROM and project butter. Project butter provides us with smoother and more stable interface. Features like day dream and lock screen widgets will take you to the journey of the future. Learn How To Install Android 4.2.2 Only on Techimperia

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