
Why 9 of 10 start up blogs fail

BT: "So you want to make money online? Most have chosen to go with blogging because it requires very little start up capital and effort. While the start of this wonderful journey may seem exciting and intriguing, many start to lose interest maybe due to frustration of not getting the traffic they wanted or just don’t have enough original content to talk about OR just lost complete interest in the topic they write about."

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michass84909d ago

It is pretty hard to write about something interesting... Bloggers must be very creative and have great ideas... there is a big competition out there, it is not as easy as people think, to make a money by writing a blog.

Techsmith4909d ago

Completely agree with the post, its tough and you definitely have to be dedicated. +1 for Racer for posting this.

Speed-Racer4909d ago

Gratzi. I think for all of us it's hard. I forgot the mention the point that some bloggers should always not try to compete by opening their own blog but working together with another partner to unify the marketing/editorial powers. I'll add that in now.

Techsmith4909d ago

@Racer, that's a great idea :)


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