
IBM’s supercomputer “Watson” competes on Jeopardy, ties for top spot (1st night)

Earlier tonight, IBM’s supercomputer “Watson” went head to head against Jeopardy’s two top players in history, Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter. The system that has been in the making for 3 years and was specifically designed for the Jeopardy competition, tied with Brad at $5000 at the end of the 1st night’s competition.

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Speed-Racer4910d ago

It's so interesting to see AI becoming to competitive, but I wonder if it will become self aware one day once the code becomes complex enough, as in being able to learn and add to its code to better itself.

michass84910d ago

It will happen sooner or later... Hopefully it won't treat us as an Enemy :)

SKUD4910d ago

Oh it will. I just dont know when. Watson, maybe you can tell us?.

Speed-Racer4910d ago

well imo I think it will happen but humans have to understand that their minds are soo complex and have room to learn....so only when super computers get that kind of working space can it really learn from its mistakes and grow.

Cat4910d ago

Fun to watch - kinda eerie though to clap for a supercomputer :)

Speed-Racer4909d ago

Watson had everyone under mind control. They just failed to mention that in the video.

michass84909d ago (Edited 4909d ago )

They have this 'Applause' light above their head :D lol
They will clap for anything if the light is on :)

Finalfantasykid4909d ago

One of my professors at the University of Alberta was in the competition, and had a strategy almost identical to that one, but unfortunately a bug in the AI killed it's performance, and finished near the bottom.

INehalemEXI4909d ago

I want to play against one of these intricate AI. I'm not heavily into SC these days but it would be fun.

LiquifiedArt4906d ago

There is no such thing as an empty learning algorithm.

There always needs to be source data to compare too, in order for the algorithem to weight choices. Neural Networks (programming)show this as an example.

Think about putting a child in a box or in a room and locking him in. Then tell him, get out of the room by any means neccessary, however you deem fit. You could leave several instruments in the room or hide a key etc... A computer will never know all the variables in the choices unless it is able to (On its own) identify a crowbar as a choice way of excape, an apple as NOT a choice way of escape, a Ladder as a choice and a dog as NOT a choice etc...

But even further then that the child could just percieve that crying would be the best way out. So they cry and sit in a corner and when the person comes in to check ot hem, they quickly dash out.

All of these things are unaccounted variables and for a computer would have to be preprogrammed.


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