
Google Apps Suck Says Two Enterprise Customers, Defects To Microsoft

Former Google Apps partners BridgeView IT an IT recruiting firm and Bradshaw & Weil an insurance agency, was so dissatisfied with the Google services that the two company's decided to write a goodbye letter to Google outlining the problems they faced and why there returning to Microsoft services instead.

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Speed-Racer4911d ago

Im not sure if this is even newsworthy but if it is, Google Apps will never be a replacement for the MS Office suite unless they significantly improve on the number of features.


Microsoft's Gaming Shake-up: 1900 Job Cuts, Senior Execs Exit Xbox and Blizzard

Microsoft is laying off more employees, a new round after they cut thousands last year. It seems like many big tech companies are doing the same.

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Apple's Bold Move to Train LLM on Trendsetting News

Amidst the AI frenzy of 2023, major players like Google, Microsoft, and Meta are in the spotlight, launching their own generative AI systems.

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Microsoft launches app for iPhone users to use iMessage on PC

Microsoft has made it easy for iPhone users to check their mobile updates on Windows-enabled computers.

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