
HP Veer shows its cute little face in FCC

Engadget: It's not exactly full disclosure -- you won't get to see a user's manual, for instance, or those gritty FCC lab external photos that we always love -- but a new device passed by Palm through the feds' systems in the past 24 hours is pretty clearly the Veer judging by the mentions of a sliding mechanism, the lack of CDMA, and the fact that we know the Veer is the next webOS phone to hit the market.

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Bright Hub - HP Veer 4G Review

The HP Veer is among the first WebOS smartphones to be released through HP rather than Palm. The Veer is also among one of the smallest smartphones currently available. This HP Veer review covers the design, display, performance, user interface and features of the smartphone.

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Sahil4804d ago (Edited 4804d ago )

Awesome review, but the phone looks like a copy of some htc phone, i don't remember it correctly.


Samsung Infuse 4G and HP Veer 4G now on sale at AT&T

Engadget: These two smartphones probably couldn't be any different if they tried -- on the left, we've got the tiny 2.6-inch HP Veer with webOS on board, and on the right is Samsung's Infuse 4G, a giant 4.5-inch Android that costs twice as much on contract.

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HP Veer 4G review (Engadget)

Engadget: "HP's Jon Rubenstein told us that his company wanted to veer in a new direction, and veer it surely did -- the HP Veer 4G will arguably be the smallest fully-functional smartphone on the market when it goes on sale May 15th. In a nutshell, it's a Palm Pixi Plus in the guise of a Pre, only in a delightfully downsized package with webOS 2.1 and thoroughly modern functionality."

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mindedone4821d ago

i need a new webOS phone for sprint