
Apple Said to Work on Cheaper IPhones to Ward Off Android-Based Handsets

Apple Inc. is working on new versions of the iPhone that are aimed at slowing the advance of competing handsets based on Google Inc.’s Android software, according to people who have been briefed on the plans.

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michass84915d ago

This is interesting strategy, as the iPhone devices are very expensive, the cheaper models will be absolutely great idea. There is plenty cheap devices with Android on board, and till now this price range segment belongs only to Android. If Apple release some cheaper iPhones it will be interesting from the marketing point of view.

Captain Tuttle4914d ago

The could be in danger of cheapening their brand. Apple is seen as a luxury product, a status symbol by some. This is risky imo.

michass84914d ago

You are right,it could be risky, as far Apple don't seems to have any problems with sales, but cheap iPhone will definitely find huge amount of potential buyers/customers... but we will see what happen, time will show. :)

jidery4914d ago

Well cheaper doesn't mean that it will be cheaper, as in build quality, but rather cheaper as in its just going to be less expensive. I can see them release a slower iPhone for $100 less and it would still sell like hot cakes. The fact they don't suffer from fragmentation as much as Android it could be possible, as i'm pretty sure all the latest apps still work fine on the 2nd gen iPhone.

Speed-Racer4915d ago

Ummm but Androids can do the same as their current expensive iPhone devices...so why would I suddenly go to the cheaper model to avoid Android?

Techsmith4915d ago

They have to do something, and this is better then watching Google eat up all your market share.

Speed-Racer4915d ago

At least Google gives you a lot more free stuff at the end of the day. I will never buy an iPhone unless it allows me to time travel...and that's if Google can beat them to that as well.

Rush4915d ago

That's the thing tech geeks will never understand.

"but Androids can do the same as their current expensive iPhone devices..."

features are certainly important, and make up a large part of a successful smart phone.

But there's something equally as important something google doesn't do nearly as well as the Iphone.

Execution, saying my can do everything the same as yours and it cost less is awesome. But when one is twice as user friendly as the other it's clear you get what you pay for.

Speed-Racer4915d ago

@Rush - Androids are user friendly :S

snoop_dizzle4915d ago

While Android has certainly improved (I'm an EVO owner and I like it) I would only care about Android on a high end device, and while the Marketplace has improved, I'd still give the edge to the iPhone for the App Store. Unless Android starts getting apps like Netflix and all, the Marketplace seems like a 2nd rate store. Free apps are nice, but I'd rather just have good apps, whether they are free or not. Which is why I am interested to see where WP7 goes in about a year with dev support, especially if they get windows devs to develop for their mobile platform.

At the same time, a cheaper iPhone wouldn't really appeal to me either. If I make a switch in the future, it may be WP7 if it ends up being a very solid platform.

Speed-Racer4915d ago

Nice. I had the Nexus One from the Hay Days, so it's always been a good experience for me getting updates first and getting pretty much anything to work on it, with a good dev platform. I want to try out WP7 but I have no money these days :/ hopefully one of my friends gets one for me to try out

snoop_dizzle4915d ago

The N1 is still a good phone, but yeah, as an EVO owner I do wish I got updates a lot quicker.

TeCh774914d ago

@ Racer,

Because most people are stupid. Steve Jobs could take a dump, call it the iTurd and people would be standing in line to buy it.

BubbleSniper4914d ago

I really like this comment.

_Q_4914d ago

Intuitive and holding your hand restrictively are two very different things. I don't care for my phone telling me what I can handle as a user.

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zackacloud4915d ago

Isn't iphone 4 cost less than 200$ to create it

and they sell it for 700$

isn't ipod touch 4g it iphone 4 without 5MP camera , without 3g connection and less ram

what a lie

Blasphemy4915d ago

Why don't they just stop charging 4 times what the iphone is really worth? That would increase market share tremendously!

Anyways I didn't even realize Apple was even in competition with Android especially since in the USA you can only find iphone on 2 carriers now as Android is on all carriers.

--------4914d ago


That's $560. If they were still £350, I'd purchase one immediately. They're over £600 now, which equates to $960. No chance.

fatstarr4915d ago

we should just stop supporting apple in general.

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sonicwrecks150d ago

I've fixed the images on some of these past submissions of yours. Please in the future make sure the image isn't broken on submission.( I always found it best to download/upload it to be honest. )