
Software update 1.1 for new Symbian devices

Nokia Conversations: okia today releases software update 1.1 for the new Symbian devices – the Nokia N8, C7 and C6-01. While the new Symbian software offered great performance and features from launch, the updates will make it even smoother to use.

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michass84919d ago

For some reason I do not like Symbian OS. Hopefully this update will improve it. Devices like Nokia N8 are great, but the OS is a bit retro...

-Mezzo-4919d ago

Wayyyyy Retro, Symbian was a cool oS back when no other OS was around but now it's nothing compared to Android or even iOS, though i must say Symbian is extremely easy to navigate.

Shame Nokia didn't stepped their game up wen the competition got tough, i just hope Meego does some wonder for them, when it's released.

michass84918d ago

Nokia should think about the other platforms that works well like Android. If they want to swap Symbian with the Meego that is fine, but do we need another OS on the market... If Meego wont be successful OS, Nokia will have serious trouble, bigger than they have now...


WhatsApp Will Stop Working on BlackBerry OS,` Nokia Symbian Phones on June 30

WhatsApp, the Facebook-owned popular instant messaging service will officially stop working on the dated Nokia Symbian software and the BlackBerry OS after June 30.

KingPin2596d ago

well its nothing new for them to stop supporting older OSes.
it only makes way for them to improve the app for more recent devices.


The Fall of Nokia Domination in Mobile World

Nokia started the dominant mobile business before Samsung and Apple were the big telecommunication industries in history. If we compare the stats of Nokia sales with Samsung sales in 2012, Nokia had sales of 83 million handsets in 2012 whereas Samsung has 92 million.

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Nokia says final sayonara to Symbian and MeeGo apps as store freezes updates

ZDNet- Nokia's Symbian and MeeGo app store entered a state of suspended animation yesterday, ahead of the store's total shutdown once it's in Microsoft's hands.