
Nintendo 3DS now just £199 thanks to Sainsbury's

Pocket-Lint: Sainsbury’s will sell the Nintendo 3DS for £199.99, becoming the first mainstream retailer to break the £200 barrier.

The move undercuts most of the competition although only by a few pounds.

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-Mezzo-5094d ago

Good deal for the people there, i think £199.99 is still more than $250.

But i will not be getting it, due the announcement of NGP, i was never into Handhelds up until 6 years back when Sony announced (PSP), i believe PSP proved that Handheld gaming isn't just for the Kids, Adults can also Game on the Go.

Nintendo is still making Kids friendly product & thats the market they are targeting with 3DS. while NGP & the games coming on it, is more Adult friendly.

Anarki5094d ago

They been £202 on play.com for a week or so now...


I think they know they got good competition this time around..

b-real5093d ago

PSP was indeed a good system, to bad about the lackluster game library. The DS had more 'quality' adult friendly games than the PSP.

fatstarr5093d ago

the psp2 will not lay a finger on the 3DS.
its history repeating its self for the 3rd time
nintendo shows the ds with bad graphics to the epic ps2esque graphics of the psp at the time.
same with the wii vs ps3

nintendo will win again for years to come because sony wont make a profit until 2013 or 2014 on ngp.

and personally the 3DS has epic graphics almost 360 quality and considering whats powering it its impressive. the psp2 == ps3 graphics though.

michass85094d ago

£30 drop in price is a good surprise for all that are Nintendo 3DS fans. Probably was not selling fast enough at the old price.

michass85094d ago

For £30 you can get an extra game, and amazon have a free delivery option on the top of the price reduction. This is a good deal.

xino5093d ago

the device is not worth the price!
I feel sorry for people who will be paying £200+ for it because they are getting ripped off, though thanks to them NIntendo will introduce a better model.

I actually tried the system and I tell you it feels outdated!

The 3D device itself......it's AMAZING!
"You have to see it to believe it!" no sh* sherlock!
It's way better than ps3 3d on a 40 inch hd tv, no sh*

If you've tried both, you'll believe me

TLG19915092d ago

its been £199.99 on shopto.net since it went on sale for pre order whats the big fuss


Check out these new special edition Nintendo 3DS XL systems

Check out the newly-announced NES Nintendo 3DS XL, Persona Q Nintendo 3DS XL and Super Smash Bros. Nintendo 3DS XL systems.

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1Victor3781d ago

Wow The NES Looks Tear Jerking.Also The Article Failed To Mention Its Gamestop Exclusive Other Than That Nice Article


Nintendo Selling Refurbished 3DS and DSi XL Consoles Below GameStop Pricing

HotHardware: Generally you don't bite the hand the feeds you, but apparently Nintendo doesn't feel GameStop provides all that much financial sustenance, hence the console maker isn't thinking twice about competing against the new and used games retailer with lower priced refurbished consoles. That's right, Nintendo is now selling refurbished 3DS and DSi XL game consoles in the U.S., and at prices that are lower than GameStop.

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fatstarr4279d ago

how about never buy refurbished anything,

its not even that much of a sale


3DS has sold over 5 million in US to date

Joystiq - The 3DS has surpassed five million units sold in the United States, Nintendo announced today. Contributing to that new milestone: over 155,000 3DS systems were sold in the US in the month of June, according to NPD data cited by Nintendo.