
N-Control Avenger Xbox 360 controller attachment now shipping

Engadget: Admit it, you know you want one of those wild N-Control Avenger controller attachments: there's no shame in that, we want one too, The so-called "Exo-Suit" -- which we checked out at CES -- gives your Xbox controller an overhaul, and it is now officially shipping.

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michass84921d ago

Interesting design, I would like to try it, but I am well used to the original Xbox controller, and probably will stay with it :)

-Mezzo-4920d ago

I have been a Gamer since i was "8" am 23 now & i have never bought a 3rd Party controller for any of my Consoles, They just don't feel natural.

DH3 for PS3, Xbox Controller for 360 & Mouse/Keyboard for PC. No Alternatives for me.

N-Control Avenger Controller Elite reaches GameStop, sells like gangbusters

Engadget - We got a look at N-Control's Avenger Controller Elite just last month, and the company is rounding out the hardware's May release with a full-court press on GameStop. The retailer's online store is now selling both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 variants of the controller assist as straightforward, bundle-free $50 units.

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N-Control Avenger Xbox 360 attachment gets a CES overview (video)

Engadget: The scariest looking peripheral at CES 2011? Possibly. But for those looking to gain a split-second edge on the competition, the N-Control Avenger just may be the solution Xbox 360 gamers have been looking for.

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