
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10's multitouch update rolling out now

Engadget: That pinch-to-zoom update for the Xperia X10 that Japanese customers got an early lead on is now rolling out around the globe according to a new blog post from the boys and girls at Sony Ericsson.

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_Q_4922d ago

The fact that such a standard feature from a modern touch screen phone is lazy. I think when makers do things like this it reflects poorly on Android as an OS despite most versions nowadas fully support multi-touch.

michass84922d ago

Smartphones are very powerful piece of gadgets. they can do much more then we think, it even solve Sudoku faster than me :D


Xperia X10 goes on sale for just a dollar on contract

Engadget: Okay, so a couple of weeks back, we wouldn't have cared if Best Buy was willing to give us money to carry the Xperia X10, we still would have steered clear of its flawed UI and outdated software.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini pro Gingerbread sequel leaked

Pocket-Lint: Last month we brought you news of reports that the teeny Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini pro could be on the receiving end of hardware and software revamp.

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No Android Updates For Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Beyond 2.1

AC: Sony Ericsson has confirmed to Android Community this morning that the XPERIA X10, X10 mini and X10 mini pro will see no further Android OS updates beyond Android 2.1 Eclair. The news is likely to come as a significant disappointment to early-adopters of Sony Ericsson’s Android range.

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