
BlackBerry no.1 in UK smartphone market 2010

Pocket-Lint: We all know that Apple loves to blow its own trumpet - but now it's Research in Motion's turn to do a bit of narcissistic clamouring. And that's because RIM's BlackBerry handsets were the best selling smartphones in the UK for 2010.

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-Mezzo-4924d ago

I love Blackberry phones, specially 9700, i just replaced it with Samsung Galaxy S.

It really isn't a surprise to me, Blackberry's are good enough to be at the #1 spot, But there is no denying that "RIM" needs to step their game up, competition is getting really hard with HTC,Samsung & Motorola pushing the Smartphones industry forward, i don't think they will survive much longer with New Models that Look exactly the same as the Old Ones.

Anarki4924d ago

Yeah because we(the uk) are tools and will buy whatever the next person has. Blackberrys are possibly the worst phones on the market, Imho.

-Mezzo-4924d ago

Sorry, i do not agree with you, there are some great Blackberry phones that i would Pick over any other Smartphone.

michass84924d ago

This is all about the marketing and good deals from mobile network providers.


Facebook and BlackBerry are heading to court over voice messaging patents

There’s a new battle commencing between Facebook and BlackBerry. On Tuesday, the social network sued the phone maker over alleged infringement of six patents. Of these, one is related to a voice message feature in BBM Enterprise.

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BlackBerry Key 2 Review | CGM

BlackBerry is back, with one of the most refined, yet useful devices to date, the BlackBerry Key 2.

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Blackberry claws itself from obscurity to announce a new flagship phone releasing in June

The previous titan of industry has had a bumpy time lately, but a new partnership with Chinese company TCL seems to have saved them from the brink of absolute destruction and obscurity. They’re currently ramping up for a release party on June the 7th in New York for the successor for last years KeyOne.

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